
What is DignityAlert™ ?

DignityAlert™ is a patent pending defecation alert system that identifies an imminent defecation (e.g., in an animal or human).

How does DignityAlert™ work?

A tiny, biologically-inert, sensor tracer is ingested with food. The ingested tracer will transmit real-time location information to a remote monitor. The sensor/monitor will utilize wearable wireless technology.

The monitor may alert the host or a third party that the tag has reached a particular location within the host (e.g., the rectum).

The alert may be sent to a mobile phone, monitoring station or console.

Who benefits from DignityAlert™?

Pet Owners/Kennel Owners/Pet trainers/Veterinarians and Caretakers

The process for training pets to identify certain permissible areas to defecate takes time, patience and expertise.

As such, knowing when the dog is about to defecate can greatly improve the efficiency of training the dog to defecate in certain locations at specific times. This can be reinforced with positive stimuli such as dropping a dog treat from a dispenser or issuing an audible praise in the voice of the owner from a speaker attached to the dog collar.

At a minimum, knowing the approximate time a dog needs to defecate enhances remote monitoring and care, and may provide some level of notification that the dog/pet needs more water and/or food.

Parents – Potty-Training Children

Untrained infants require close supervision from a parent for purposes of helping the infant identify the need to defecate, and the proper location for defecating.

It can take years to train an infant to sense that he/she will need to defecate soon, and in the proper location.

If the parent has an idea when the child needs to defecate, the parent can better help the child identify or associate the need to defecate with using the bathroom (as opposed to a diaper). Through time, this will help train the infant much more quickly.

Elderly Care Facilities

Third party caretakers for older persons unable to control their bowel movements may simply schedule periodic visits to attend to the defecation needs. For example, in a hospital or assisted living environment, the third party caretaker may simply set a

schedule to periodically visit patients.

Those visits may require changing incontinence products in the event the patient does not or is otherwise unable to make it to the bathroom before defecating. In this respect, it is preferable that the third party caretaker arrive some time before the patient defecates, so the caretaker can help the patient to the bathroom, instead of using the incontinence product. Again, knowing when the patient is about to defecate allows the third party caretaker to better allocate resources and assist patients when they actually need help (as opposed to a guesswork schedule). It also gives the patient some sense of dignity as a result of the proactive preparedness as opposed to after the fact cleanup.

Patients with Bowel Incontinence

For a patient with bowel incontinence problem, knowing that defecation is about to occur, even a few minutes ahead, will allow the patient to access a toilet in time and avoid embarrassment.

Where should Pre-Poop Alarm be sold?

Pet supply stores, veterinary hospitals, kennels, pharmacies, retail stores such as Target, K-Mart, Wal-Mart, etc.

What can Pre-Poop AlarmTM be sold for?

The retail price is estimated to be about $250, initially, but the price will drop significantly in time leveling off at about $99. Even manually operated dog poop scoopers retail from $15 to $25.

The price of the human version of Pre-Poop AlarmTM will be more expensive as it must be miniaturized and comfortably wearable.

What will it cost to manufacture DignityAlert™?

Since most of the components used in Pre-Poop AlarmTM will be off-the-shelf components, the manufacturing cost will be relatively low. Each unit is estimated to cost $150.

Seeking Investment

We are seeking investment to be used for research and development.

Exit Strategy

Once Pre-Poop AlarmTM is fully developed, we seek to license it to multiple channels; the pet industry, hospitals and patient care facilities, child/infant care product providers or mega-corporations such as Wal-Mart.


Miniaturization has made it possible for electronics to penetrate society more widely and deeply than ever before. Pre-Poop AlarmTM is a product that is made possible due to

exponential growth in technology and miniaturization of electronic components; RFID, Wi-Fi, NFC, Bluetooth, Bluetooth low energy etc.

Pre-Poop AlarmTM is the only defecation alert system that can predict an impending defecation accurately. It meets the needs of a billion people around the world; parents with pre-potty-trained children, the elderly, care providers, pet owners, people with bowel incontinence problems, etc.

Almost every person in the developed and developing countries knows at least one family that needs Pre-Poop AlarmTM for one or more solutions it provides.

An idea this size does not come along every day. Let us form a partnership and make BIG $ while bettering the lives of tens of millions and protecting the environment.